We manage Housing Rehabilitation Programs throughout New Jersey

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The Affordable Housing Program Is Now Accepting Applications from Homeowners for Housing Rehabilitation Program for Home Repair Loans To Low and Moderate Income Homeowners.
The purpose of the program is to address code related items & weatherization needs. The types of repairs covered are roofing, heating systems, electric, plumbing, structural issues, windows, doors, handrails, steps, smoke detectors, and CO detectors. Items are addressed by priority starting with major systems.
Additions and interior decorating are not eligible.
To qualify for a Housing Rehabilitation Loan, the applicant must meet the following eligibility requirements:
· Must Be an Owner Occupant (Full-Time Resident)
· Real Estate Taxes, HOA Fees, And Municipal Utilities Must Be Current
· Homeowner’s And Flood Insurance (if Applicable) Must Be Valid
Gross Annual HOUSEHOLD Income Must Be Less Than 80% Of The Median Income Limits
Please see locations and details to the right.