The Borough of West Wildwood is making funds available to income-qualified homeowners for improvements, including the replacement of roofs, heating and cooling systems, and electrical and plumbing systems. The program can also address structural issues and replace windows and doors.
To qualify, applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
Must own the home and be a full-time resident;
Real estate taxes and utilities must be current;
Homeowners and flood insurance must be current; and
Gross annual household income must be less than 80% of the Area Median Income Limit by Household size (see chart below).
Assistance is provided in the form of a forgivable loan. During the first five years following rehabilitation, 100% of the program funds are repayable. Starting in the sixth year, the amount repayable is reduced by 20% each year. Participants reaching the tenth year without reselling the home are not required to repay any program funds.
Owners of rental properties are also eligible to participate in the program. However, additional restrictions apply:
All tenants must be income eligible according to the table below; and
Allowable rents are restricted to those that are affordable to low and moderate income households for a ten year period.
West Wildwood
Housing Rehabilitation Program