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Housing Services

Triad is a trusted administrative agent for affordable housing initiatives in New Jersey, partnering with local municipalities and developers to facilitate the development of over 1,000 affordable housing units across New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Our expertise spans various programs, including HOPE VI, HMFA Home Ownership program, low-income housing tax credits, HUD 202 program, mixed-use, and special needs housing.

We are dedicated to ensuring compliance with the Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) regulations, utilizing innovative solutions like the Market to Affordable Program. Additionally, we prioritize addressing the challenge of abandoned housing through proactive strategies tailored to the needs of our clients and communities.

As experts in HUD programs, we effectively administer initiatives such as Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships programs. These programs empower homeowners to access vital funding for home repairs and code violations, fostering sustainable communities for the long term.

At Triad, we believe in providing communities with the necessary resources to support residents in achieving stability and prosperity. Our commitment lies in assisting families in finding homes that meet their needs and aspirations, thereby contributing to vibrant and resilient communities for generations to come.


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